I got this car in 2014 not knowing much about it, but as the years went by it threw me into the automotive scene and allowed me to truly find a passion. I've always been interested in cinematography but by owning this car and dwelling into the car culture, it helped drive my interest and fueled my creativity and skills towards automotive videography. I've been fortunate to meet many friends who've helped me get this car to it's current state and it's amazing to see the build evolve over the years. But it's time to finally say goodbye with a proper sendoff to the car that started it all, my Subaru BRZ.
This video will forever remind me of all the great days and nights spent with friends enjoying a similar passion, and all the hard work to get the build and the Spamsubie brand up and going. Thank you to everyone who took the time to be a part of this short film, thank you to everyone supporting the merch, and most of all thank you to everyone who continues to push me to create! Many more projects to come this year, stay tuned for the next build…
Follow me on IG! @spamsubie
Director/Cinematographer/Editor — Steven Chan
Camera Assist: Hunter Kondo and Brian Ha
Aerial photographer — Travis Blackwell
PA & Location Scout — Allen Antonio
Vehicle Assist — Wilson Qiu
Parts — ModInfinite Motorsports
Autoshop — Auto Tuned
Car Care products — RevAuto Supply
Merch printed by — Offset | SHWA Inc
Illustrations designed by KLO Create
Миллион косяков + эмоции! Subaru BRZ (Toyota GT86 / Scion FR-S) тест драйв и обзор
ДРЭГ, ДРИФТ и ВРЕМЯ КРУГА! Cразу две Субару БРЗ! На механике и на автомате. А это значит, что мы с вами точно разберёмся, какая быстрее! Испортил ли автомат это купе? Проверим разгон до 100, устроив дрэг рейсинг, замерим время круга и подрифтим на обоих автомобилях, чтобы уловить разницу! Конечно же, вас ждёт и полноценный тест драйв Subaru BRZ(Тойота GT86 / Scion FR S), и полный обзор. Поехали!
Интернет-магазин автозапчастей ЮЛСАН yulsun.ru
Благодарим администрацию автодрома ADM Raceway за помощь в организации съёмок www.adm-raceway.ru
Рассказывает Михаил Кульдяев (https://vk.com/mkuldyaev)
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Ryan Little — Falling Down
Vladimir Dobrov — Wind In
Huma-Huma — Whiskey
Riot — Loitering
Huma-Huma — It's All Happening
Dougie Wood — Do or Die
Gunnar Olsen — Blue Smile
Silent Partner — All My Shuffling
На рынке подержанных автомобилей за миллион с хвостом чаще всего смотрят кроссоверы, седаны бизнес-класса, но при просмотре объявлений Вам наверняка встретятся и более необычные варианты, как Toyota GT86. И Вы подумаете, ну, как автомобиль выходного дня наверное она хороша. А мы попробуем ответить на вопрос, подходит ли она на каждый день, как единственный автомобиль.
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BRZ / GT86 / Scion FR-S — Тест-драйв от ATDrive.ru
Наш тест-драйв задорной заднеприводной зажигалки Subaru BRZ / Toyota GT86 / Scion FR-S. Из обзора вы узнаете за что BRZ не любят фанаты хотхэтчей, почему задний привод в 100 раз веселей переднего и насколько практичным может быть спортивное купе.
Знаете ли вы что такое страсть… но не любовная, а страсть творца которая впрочем сродни любви? Что значит отдаться всецело идее забыв обо всем на свете и творить… творить… творить...? А можете ли вы себе представить что происходит когда такой творец внезапно находит свою идеальную половинку? Как Инь и Янь?
А я Вам скажу, происходит чудо! И именно такое чудо создали одержимые из Субару под чутки покровительством прагматиков из Toyota и имя этому чуду… а вот тут заминка, чудо получилось едино в трех лицах, в нашем случае это Subaru BRZ и Toyota GT86, а что же в них такого чудесного мы в этом обзоре и рассмотрим…
Наш сайт: atdrive.ru, Вконтакте: vk.com/atdrive
It takes much of my free time to create videos, and at the beginning started as a hobby but now, your support keeps me motivated for more. Please, take a time to check our donation site!
I can't thank you enough for supporting me, supporting this Group of car enthousiasts.
The Toyota 86 is a series of 2+2 seater sports cars which was jointly developed by Toyota and Subaru and solely manufactured by Subaru. It features a boxer engine, front engine, rear wheel drive drivetrain, 2+2 seating and a fastback coupé body style.
Subaru retails their version of the car as the Subaru BRZ. As a Toyota it is sold worldwide under different names with the most common being the Toyota 86—as used in Asia, Australia, North America (from August 2016), South Africa, and South America. The name Toyota GT86 is used in Europe; both of the preceding names in New Zealand; and Toyota FT86 in Nicaragua and Jamaica. In the United States and Canada, the coupe previously sold as the Scion FR-S. After the Scion brand was discontinued in August 2016, the FR-S was renamed as the Toyota 86.
The 86's engine, known by the Toyota code 4U-GSE and Subaru code FA20, is a naturally aspirated four-cylinder engine that uses Subaru's horizontally opposed boxer engine design, with the addition of Toyota's D-4S injection system, which uses both direct and port fuel injection. Given its placement, the 86 can be considered having a front engine, rear wheel drive drivetrain layout. The engine runs on 98 RON (premium unleaded) fuel and features a 12.5:1 compression ratio and a bore and stroke of 86 mm (3.4 in) that results in 200 horsepower (149 kW; 203 PS) at 7,000 rpm and 151 lb⋅ft (205 N⋅m) of torque at 6,000 rpm. As part of the 86's low-weight design, the car utilizes an aluminium hood, a solid roof, and a trunk as opposed to a hatchback. The boxer engine sits as far back and as low as possible in the engine bay for a weight distribution of 53% in front and 47% in the rear. The low-sitting engine provides a lower center of gravity, allowing the engine to sit lower than the Nissan GTR and just 0.6 inches higher than the Lexus LFA.
#brz #gt86 #frs